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those who kneeled during national anthem did not do this in disrespect of the men and women who have fought and died and been maimed in the name of freedom........I searved ten years...and went to desert storm...i do not feel slighted in the least...becasue i am aware of what our government truly is.....a corrupt entitiy ruled by those with bottomless bank accounts who have bought all of those in the congress a senate...through lobbyiest...and back room deals...and cohorsion ... im shure.....this is what i would be kneeling for.....these men and women reciently have gone to war....not to free people ...or to right a wrong....they went there to clear a path for the corporate giants...who wish to steal the minerals and oil...of many of these nations at rock bottom prices..then turn and sell it to americans ant top dollar...way over inflated...to add billions more to their collective.....with the purpose of...world rule eventually ....and mass genocide...to bring the slave count down to a managible level.....yes that is what most americans..and people of the world are....cheap labor...for high proffits ..of a few......that is my belief....yes some live a little better than others...but still the main goal is for them to create mass wealth for the top one percent while the world gets enviormentally destroyed.....species getting extinct...forrest being devored....storms getting stronger ...floods getting worse ...fires becoming bigger....when you upset the balance of the planet with deforestation...and such...you upset the workings of the planet to regulate itselsf....yet big bussness is still in south america cutting down 125 squar miles of woods everyday.....and guess what ...the country that sold the logging rights isnt makeing as much as the american logging companies that are taking it....and im shure other nations as well......humans are righitnig there own eulogy....most just dont know it yet JuneBridals simple casual wedding gowns added With sleeves for large size women
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