what items to wear for tall maids of honor
From FAW
What does that Symptom mean?
Being able to figure out issues as they come up can be quite a struggle. Why does my kid do that? A question asked by countless parents throughout this journey. we have compiled some of the most common symptoms and categorized them under the usual cause. Some of the symptoms overlap and your kiddo will never have every symptom on the lists, but this can help point you in a direction for further investigation. what items to wear for tall maids of honor
I included the chapter number in FAW where you can find more information on how to treat and what to expect, but here you can print up the lists that you think apply to your child and add them to the Behavior Tracking section of your binder for quick reference. Before you know it you will know your child's signs and what they mean and when you do you'll realize you are in the Recovery Zone.
Printable checklists of common symptoms
Yeast Symptoms (chapter 11)
White patches in the mouth or coating on the tongue
Breath that smells like bread or alcohol
Irritability /defiance, meltdowns, tantrums, anger outbursts
Only eating or craving starches- intense craving for sweets
Gas and bloating after meals, or being gassy
Dark under eye circles
Tiny red dot rash under arms /groin, sometimes itchy
Red ring around anus, sometimes itchy
Itchy inner ears- some ear infections can be yeast
Sinus congestion, phlegm, fluid in the ears, thick saliva in the morning, throat mucus
Playing w/ saliva (blowing bubbles, smearing, etc)
Frequent stomach pains or digestive problems
Skin problems like acne, psoriasis, and eczema
Brain fog -feeling fuzzy headed
Hyperactivity - bouncing off the walls
Increased obsessive/compulsive behaviors
Floating/bloated stools, foul smelling stools, gas
Acting drunk, silly or giddy at inappropriate times
Increased self stimulation -itchy genitals or anus
Yeast Printable
Adrenal Symptoms (chapter 12)
Irritability, meltdowns, whining
Anxiety, fear, attachment
Early morning wakings especially between 2 AM - 4 AM
Inability to fall asleep at night (night owls)
Morning fatigue
Frequent illness or inability to recovery in a reasonable time from illness
Sensitivity to light/sound/touch
Hypersensitive to pain
Dizziness upon standing quickly
Morning nausea or no appetite
Craving salt
Low endurance compared to peers
Constant thirst
Explosive outbursts or overreaction to situations.
Adrenal Printable
Thyroid Symptoms (chapter 13)
May not grow or have slow growth
Delayed puberty
May be tired, needs daytime naps
Dry skin, dry hair, hair loss
Cold hands and feet
Permanent loss of IQ points in children
Constipation and/or colitis
Thin brittle hair that does not grow well
Delay loosing baby teeth
Short attention span
Difficulty falling asleep
Low body temperatures
Bone or joint pain, weakness
Low mood
Poor handwriting
Thyroid Printable
Parasite Symptoms (chapter 14)
Itchy anus
Skin conditions
Itchy or crawling skin
Mood swings
Teeth grinding that does not improve with mineral supplements
Bed wetting
Night mares or bad dreams, waking during the night
Uncontrollable hunger despite eating normal meals
Body aches or joint pains
Chronic constipation
Gas and bloating
Explosive diarrhea or bowel movements very shortly after eating
Abdominal pains
Mucus in stool
Leaky gut
Burning in the stomach
Bloody stool
Itchy nose
Parasite Printable
Bacterial Symptoms (chapter 14)
Defiant behavior
Violence (biting, kicking, hitting, etc...)
Foul, smelly stool
Bloated abdomen
Bacteria Printable
Viral Symptoms (chapter 18)
Cold sores, fever blisters, warts or plantar warts
Child appears less autistic directly before or during a fever
Fine or gross motor problems. Sometimes one side of the body will appear weaker
Hypotonia-low muscle tone
Consistently elevated lymphocytes and low white blood counts on a CBC serum test
Viral Printable